The domain name
stands for the family name von der Heide
This is the home page of
Klaus von der Heide
feel very sorry that we need to inform you that Klaus von der Heide
passed away in the beginning of April 2020
During his last years Klaus spent most of his time on
analyzing the bioacoustics of bats. If you want to support his passion
use the underneath donation info.
Klaus verbrachte seine letzten Jahre mit der Erforschung der Bioakustik
der heimischen Fledermausarten. Wer seine Leidenschaft unterstützen
möchte, nutzt bitte diese Spendeninfo:
NABU Schleswig-Holstein, Sparkasse
Südholstein, Stichwort: Fledermäuse, IBAN: DE16 2305 1030 0000 2850 80
Some Personal Data
in 1941. Radio Amateur License DJ5HG since 1959
Study of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy at Hamburg
Computer Science at Hamburg University, retired
Personal Interests
Digital Communication in Amateur Radio, Coding Theory and the whole world of nature
Available on these pages:
Amateur Radio Stuff on the DJ5HG Amateur Radio Page
Some sonar experiments on the Sonar Page
Lists of convolutional codes and Hadamard codes on the Code Page
A few lectures on the Lectures Page
Bat-Pages are in German: Fledermaus-Beobachtung